
Rita skeeter beetle
Rita skeeter beetle

rita skeeter beetle

But… I would hope you would be understanding of the sensitive nature of some of what I have to say.” That said… do you think we could be candid with one another? There are certain things going on at Hogwarts, both this year and in my last few… that I would love to tell you about. Scratch-scratch-scratch! Harry’s eyes dart to the Quick-Quotes Quill before moving back to Rita, who he gives another smile. “Oh… oh my! Well now, I didn’t expect the Boy-Who-Lived to be a fan!” Rita’s eyes widen in surprise as she looks taken aback… and downright flattered for a moment. Too bad it had also put a stop to everything else, in the end. The apocalypse had put a stop to her particular brand of insanity. In the end, Snape’s biography was the last book Rita had ever written. He’d heard enough about all of those books to know they were more of Rita’s usual fare… that is, tasteless garbage that the unwashed masses still insisted on gobbling up all the same. Nor had he read The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. He was pretty sure he was right about that, though admittedly he hadn’t actually read ‘Armando Dippet: Master or Moron?’. Oh, and that biography on Headmaster Dippet. With that in mind, he offers Rita his best smile and nod. Harry knew just how dark this world was, and he also knew that there were worse evils in it then Rita Skeeter… though it was still close. That all said, this wasn’t a perfect world. Fuck, even the likes of Molly Weasley was inclined to get taken in by Rita’s sensationalist articles. The fact that she had readers still baffled Harry to this day.

rita skeeter beetle

Or at the very least, her particular brand of ‘journalism’ would not be so highly sought after or coveted. In fact, Harry would go so far as to say that in a perfect world, someone like Rita Skeeter wouldn’t even exist. He never should have been left alone with the bitch in the first place. Rita had played him like a fool, but then to be fair he was nothing but a boy back then. The first time he’d been in this closet, Harry had been completely caught off guard. No doubt to due with his appearance, general demeanor, and current attitude in the tense atmosphere. The quill almost seems to look at him for a moment… before jotting things down despite the fact that he hasn’t even spoken yet. Harry watches as Rita’s signature Quick-Quotes Quill flits into the air in front of him, a floating notepad right along with it. Let’s talk about the Triwizard Tournament and your place in it, shall we? Oh and don’t mind the quill, it’s just to help with notetaking.” I’m Rita Skeeter, with the Daily Prophet. “Well now, Harry… I can call you Harry, can’t I? Oh, you might not know who I am, though I’m sure you’ve heard my name before. Rita casts a quick light charm from her wand, letting it float above their heads to give them some ability to see as she happily sits across from him on a small box, her approximation of a pleasant smile on her lips. The door to the broom closet is flung open and then a moment later slams shut with them inside. Even though he’s very much stealing their spotlight, they can automatically tell what sort of vulture Rita Skeeter is, and it keeps them from being even the slightest bit jealous of him. This, his first meeting with the deplorable Rita Skeeter, was definitely one of them.Īnd yet, Harry lets her pull him in, glancing around the room to see everyone looking pitying but also grateful that they’re not having to deal with Rita first. Moments that he could never forget, not in a million years. There are moments in Harry’s life that he remembers with startling clarity. “Harry James Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived and the mysterious Fourth Triwizard Champion! Let’s start the Champions’ Interviews with you, shall we? Come, come!”Īs she reaches him, a sickeningly sweet smile on her face that poorly hides her true venom as she grabs hold of his wrist and begins tugging him towards a familiar broom closet. A/N: In which Harry tries to get on Rita Skeeter's good side.

Rita skeeter beetle